



乳腺肿瘤内科 - 邵彬







邵彬,高彦荣。骨髓增生异常综合征的免疫抑制治疗。医学综述, 2005, 11(5):398-400

邵彬,周柱,高彦荣。超高龄老年急性髓性白血病的治疗及预后分析。实用老年医学, 2006, 12(1): 23-26。


邵彬,高彦荣,王椿。老年急性髓性白血病预后因素探讨。癌症, 2006, 25( 8) : 1007- 1012。

邵彬,高彦荣,王椿。老年急性髓性白血病的个体化治疗。临床血液学杂志, 2006,19(6):323-326。



邵彬,余靖, 邸立军等。乳腺癌恶性胸腔积液的临床特征及预后因素分析。肿瘤防治研究,2013,40(4):381-387。

邵彬,余靖, 祝毓琳等。紫杉醇联合塞替哌的大剂量化疗在高危乳腺癌辅助化疗中的临床研究。肿瘤防治研究,2013,33(4):334-338。


邵彬,宋玉琴,朱军。剂量调整的EPOCH-R方案治疗原发纵隔大B细胞淋巴瘤。循证医学,2014, 4(2):87-88。

邵彬,李惠平*,朱军等。复发转移性乳腺癌患者血浆miRNA表达水平与化疗疗效及预后关系的研究。癌症进展,2015, 13(2):106-113。


邵彬,李惠平*,邸立军等。多西他赛单药和联合方案一线治疗转移性乳腺癌的疗效及预后因素研究。肿瘤: 2016, 36(6):683-691。

Liu XR#, Shao B#, Peng JX# et al. Identification of high independent prognostic value of nanotechnology based circulating tumor cell enumeration in first-line chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer patients. Breast, 2017,32: 119-125.

Bin Shao#, Zhihua Tian#, Huirong Ding# et al. Plasma CAMK2A predicts chemotherapy resistance in metastatic triple negative breast cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2018;11(2):650-663.

Bin Shao, Li CW, Lim SO, et al. Deglycosylation of PD-L1 by 2-deoxyglucose reverses PARP inhibitor-induced immunosuppression in triple-negative breast cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 2018 Sep 1;8(9):1837-1846.

Bin Shao*, Guohong Song*, Huiping Li,et al. Combination versus Sequential Paclitaxel plus Gemcitabine as First-line Chemotherapy for Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Prospective Randomized Phase II Study.JBUON 2018; 23(6): 1583-1590

Bin Shao, Jinrong Qu, et al. Clinical outcomes with first-line chemotherapy versus endocrine therapy for adjuvant endocrine therapy-resistant metastatic breast cancer. Translational Cancer Research. 2018; 7(3):676-685

Shao B, Wang X, Zhang L, et al. Plasma microRNAs Predict Chemoresistance in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Jan 1; 18:1533033819828709.

Gui X, Li H, Song G, Shao B, Jiang H. Long term use of bevacizumab in the treatment of triple negative breast cancer with giant tumor in chest wall: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Nov; 97(48): e13410.

Sun LL, Yang RY, Li CW, Chen MK, Shao B, Hsu JM, Chan LC, Yang Y, Hsu JL, Lai YJ, Hung MC. Inhibition of ATR downregulates PD-L1 and sensitizes tumor cells to T cell-mediated killing. Am J Cancer Res. 2018 Jul 1; 8(7):1307-1316.

Liu X, Ran R, Shao B, Rugo HS, Yang Y, Hu Z, Wei Z, Wan F, Kong W, Song G, Jiang H, Liang X, Zhang R, Yan Y, Xu G, Li H. Combined peripheral natural killer cell and circulating tumor cell enumeration enhance prognostic efficiency in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Chin J Cancer Res. 2018 Jun; 30(3):315-326.

Li H, Liu J, Chen J, Wang H, Yang L, Chen F, Fan S, Wang J, Shao B, Yin D, Zeng M, Li M, Li J, Su F, Liu Q, Yao H, Su S, Song E. A serum microRNA signature predicts trastuzumab benefit in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients. Nat Commun. 2018 Apr 24; 9(1):1614.

Peng J, Zhao Q, Zheng W, Li W, Li P, Zhu L, Liu X, Shao B, Li H, Wang C, Yang Y. Peptide-Functionalized Nanomaterials for the Efficient Isolation of HER2-Positive Circulating Tumor Cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Jun 7; 9(22):18423-18428.

Liu X, Li H, Shao B, Wu J, Kong W, Song G, Jiang H, Wang J, Wan F. Identification of recurrent BRCA1 mutation and its clinical relevance in Chinese Triple-negative breast cancer cohort. Cancer Med. 2017 Mar; 6(3):547-554.

Li H, Shao B, Yan Y, Song G, Liu X, Wang J, Liang X. Efficacy and safety of trastuzumab combined with chemotherapy for first-line treatment and beyond progression of HER2-overexpressing advanced breast cancer. Chin J Cancer Res. 2016 Jun; 28(3):330-8.


1997.9 - 2003.7 本科,山东医科大学六年制英语班

2003.9 - 2006.7 硕士,复旦大学内科学

2012.9 - 2015-7 博士,北京大学医学部

2017.5 - 2018.7 访学,美国M.D. anderson肿瘤中心作










