首都医科大学本科毕业,学士学位。协和医科大学硕士学位。学术主攻胃肠道肿瘤外科及肿瘤抗体相关研究。从事胃肠道肿瘤专科9年,主攻胃癌及结直肠癌手术。从事科室住院医规范化培训指导教师2年。发表论文1. Characteristics of cancer susceptibility genes mutations in 282 patients
with gastric adenocarcinoma Ke Ji1*, Sheng Ao2*, Liu He1*, Lijiao Zhang3, Li
Feng4, Guoqing Lyu2. CJCR 2020.Aug. IF:5.0872. Effect of…
1. Characteristics of cancer susceptibility genes mutations in 282 patients
with gastric adenocarcinoma Ke Ji1*, Sheng Ao2*, Liu He1*, Lijiao Zhang3, Li
Feng4, Guoqing Lyu2. CJCR 2020.Aug. IF:5.087
2. Effect of Colorectal Resection Combined with Intraoperative Radiofrequency
Ablation in Treating Colorectal Cancer with Liver Metastasis and Analysis of Its
Prognosis Names of the Authors:Tao Fu1, #, Liu He1, #, Feide Liu2, * JBUON
2020.Sep-Oct. IF:2.533
3. 何流,肖毅,经肛门全直肠系膜切除术在直肠癌根治中的应用 中华胃肠外科杂志2017年8月第20卷第8期