电话:88196731 邮箱:sherry19820420@hotmail.com
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:胃黏膜特异性表达蛋白AMP-18/GKN1诱导胃癌细胞老化的分子调控机制(#81101880,2012-2014)
2. 国家863重大专项:胃癌的“组学”整合研究(#2012AA02A203,2012-2015)
3. 临床研究人才培育平台项目:突变型MUC17益于胃癌患者预后的分子机制(2012-2013)
1. Xing R, Li WM, Cui JT, Zhang J, Kang B, Wang Y, Wang ZH, Liu SQ* and Lu YY* (2012) Gastrokine1 Induces Senescence through p16/Rb Pathway Activation in Gastric Cancer Cells. Gut 61(1): 43-52
2. Pan YM#, Xing R#, Cui JT, Li WM, Lu YY* (2013) Clinicopathological significance of altered metallothionein 2A expression in gastric cancer according to Lauren’s classification. Chinese Medical Journal 126(14):2681-6
3. Li DM, Zhang J, Li WM, Cui JT, Pan YM, Liu SQ, Xing R*, Lu YY (2013) MAWBP and MAWD inhibit proliferation and invasion in gastric cancer. World Journal of Gastroenterology 19(18):2781-92
4. An J, Pan Y, Yan Z, Li W, Cui J, Yuan J, Tian L, Xing R*, Lu Y* (2013) MiR-23a in Amplified 19p13.13 Loci Targets Metallothionein 2A and Promotes Growth in Gastric Cancer Cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 114(9):2160-9
5. Liu Y#, Xing R#, Zhang X, Dong W, Zhang J, Yan Z, Li W, Cui J, Lu Y* (2013) miR-375 targets the p53 gene to regulate cellular response to ionizingradiation and etoposide in gastric cancer cells. DNA Repair 12(9):741-50
6. Sun W, Dong WW, Mao LL, Li WM, Cui JT, Xing R*, Lu YY (2013) Overexpression of p42.3 promotes cell growth and tumorigenicity in hepatocellular carcinoma. World Journal of Gastroenterology 19(19):2913-20
7. Pan YM#, Xing R#, An J, Cui JT, Li WM, Guo MZ*, Youyong Lu* (2014) Amplification of the miR-181c/d cluster is inversely correlated with PDCD4 expression in gastric cancer. Chinese Science Bulletin 59(19):2240-8
8. Xing R, Li WM, Cui JT, Nan X, Lu YY. (2015) GKN1 inhibits cell invasion in gastric cancer by inactivating the NF-kappaB pathway. Discov Med 19(103): 65-71