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7. Donglai Wang, Jingyi Zhou, Xiangyu Liu, Danyu Lu, Changchun Shen, Yipeng Du, Fu-Zheng Wei, Boyan Song, Xiaopeng Lu, YuYu, Lina Wang, Ying Zhao, Haiying Wang, Yang Yang, Yoshimitsu Akiyama, Hongquan Zhang, and Wei-Guo Zhu. Methylation of SUV39H1 by SET7/9 results in heterochromatin relaxation and genome instability. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013;110(14):5516-5521. (IF=9.74)
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15. Yu Yu, Junzhou Wu, Lizhao Guan, Lihua Qi, Yan Tang, BoMa, Jun Zhan, Yunling Wang, Weigang Fangand Hongquan Zhang. Kindlin 2 promotes breast cancer invasion via epigenetic silencing of the icroRNA200 gene family. International Journal of Cancer. 2013;133:1368-1380. (IF=6.20)
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26. Liu Y, Xing R, Zhang X, Dong W, Zhang J, Yan Z, Li W, Cui J, Lu Y. miR375 targets the p53 gene to regulate cellular response to ionizing radiation and etoposide in gastric cancer cells. DNA Repair (Amst). 2013;12(9):74150. (IF=4.27)
27. Ting Zhao, Lizhao Guan, YuYu, Xuelian Pei, Jun Zhan, Ling Han, Yan Tang, Feng Li, Weigang Fang, Hongquan Zhang. Kindlin-2 promotes genome instability in breast cancer cells. Cancer Letters. 2013;330:208-216. (IF=4.26)
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32. Bai H, Wang Z, Wang Y, Zhuo M, Zhou Q, Duan J, Yang L, Wu M, An T, Zhao J, Wang J. Detection and clinical significance of intratumoral EGFR mutational heterogeneity in Chinese patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e54170. (IF=3.73)
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36. Chen D, Jiang B, Xing J, Liu M, Cui M, Liu Y, Wang Z, Chen L, Yang H, Zhang C, Yao Z, Zhang N, Ji J, Qu H, Su X. Validation of the memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center nomogram to predict diseasespecific survival after R0 resection in a Chinese gastric cancer population. PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e76041. (IF=3.73)
37. Li J, Pan Y, Deng Q, Cai H, Ke Y. Identification and characterization of eleven novel human gammapapillomavirus isolates from healthy skin, found at low frequency in a normal population. PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e77116. (IF=3.73)
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40. Wang S, An T, Duan J, Zhang L, Wu M, Zhou Q, Chen J, Zhuo M, Yang L, Wang Y, Bai H, Wang J. Alterations in EGFR and related genes following neoadjuvant chemotherapy in Chinese patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e51021. (IF=3.73)
41. Li S, Zheng Q, Ma Y, Wang Y, Feng Y, Zhao B, Yang Y. Implications of false negative and false positive diagnosis in lymph node staging of NSCLC by means of 1?FFDG PET/CT. PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e78552. (IF=3.73)
42. Yu Yu, Lihua Qi, Junzhou Wu, Yunling Wang, Weigang Fang, Hongquan Zhang. Kindlin 2 Regulates Myogenic Related Factor Myogenin via a Canonical Wnt Signaling in Myogenic Differentiation. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(5):e63490. (IF=3.73)
43. Song G, Wang X, Jia J, Yuan Y, Wan F, Zhou X, Yang H, Ren J, Gu J, Lyerly HK. Elevated level of peripheral CD8(+)CD28() T lymphocytes are an independent predictor of progressionfree survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer during the course of chemotherapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2013;62(6):112330. (IF=3.64)
44. Min L, Xu H, Wang J, Qu L, Jiang B, Zeng Y, Meng L, Jin H, Shou C. Nαacetyltransferase 10 protein is a negative regulator of 28S proteasome through interaction with PA28β. FEBS Lett. 2013;587(11):16307. (IF=3.58)
45. Jianchao Gao, Ammad Aslam Khan, Takashi Shimokawa, Jun Zhan, Staffan Strömblad, Weigang Fang, Hongquan Zhang. A feedback regulation between Kindlin-2 and GLI1 in prostate cancer cells. FEBS Letters. 2013;587:631-638. (IF=3.58)
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47. Xing X, Lian S, Hu Y, Li Z, Zhang L, Wen X, Du H, Jia Y, Zheng Z, Meng L, Shou C, Ji J. Phosphatase of regenerating liver3 (PRL3) is associated with metastasis and poor prognosis in gastric carcinoma. J Transl Med. 2013;11:309. (IF=3.46)
48. Yuanming Pan, Jiaqiang Huang, Rui Xing, Xin Yin, Jiantao Cui, Wenmei Li, Jun Yu, Youyong Lu. Metallothionein 2A inhibits NF-κB pathway activation and predicts clinical outcome segregated with TNM stage in gastric cancer patients following radical resection. J Transl Med. 2013;11:173 (IF=3.46)
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50. Zhang J, Leng JH, Qian HG, Qiu H, Wu JH, Liu BN, Li CP, Hao CY. En bloc pancreaticoduodenectomy and right colectomy in the treatment of locally advanced colon cancer. Dis Colon Rectum. 2013;56(7):87480. (IF=3.34)
51. Zhan T, Gu J, Li M, Du C. Intermediatefraction neoadjuvant radiotherapy for rectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum. 2013;56(4):42232. (IF=3.34)
52. An J, Pan Y, Yan Z, Li W, Cui J, Yuan J, Tian L, Xing R, Lu Y. MiR23a in amplified 19p13.13 loci targets metallothionein 2A and promotes growth in gastric cancer cells. J Cell Biochem. 2013;114(9):21609. (IF=3.06)
